What We Offer…
- Sports massage – 1 hour of a specialist sports massage, with a WHOLE BODY approach. This is deeper more intense massage to help release tension in all your muscles. Not just for the Sports people but anyone who feels they prefer or need a deep release.
- Sports massage plus – a deeply beneficial 90 minutes of our specialist sports massage with more focus on your requested areas. A blend of techniques from Dilys’ experience are used to help guide the best release possible for you.
- Relaxation massage –a whole-body, hands-on treatment that uses a variety of smooth flowing massage techniques to encourage relaxation, increased circulation and calming of the nervous system. Great for relieving stress and tension in both the mind and the body, providing a real sense of wellbeing.
- Lymphatic massage – a form of gentle massage that encourages the drainage of lymph nodes and the movement of lymph fluids around the body.